Topp232023 - Block 1 : Startblocket
Jobbet mot visionen Topp232023 är på väg att kulminera och vi är nu inne på den sista vinterträningen innan det är dags. För att spetsa till träningen ytterligare för klubbens alla medlemmar kommer vi att arbeta i tvåveckorsblock fram till 10mila i maj. Det första blocket är startblocket!
Already 4 years ago Snättringe SK did agree on several goals for the year 2023, which you can read more about here. To repeat the most important ones:
Men: Top 23 at Tiomila
Women: Top 69 (3x23) at Tiomila
Top 23 at 25manna
5 Teams at 25 manna
Now Topp232023 is going to its final phase. There are 24 weeks to go until the first big goal, Tiomila 2023 in Skellefteå. Until then we will have a new Training Topic every second week (12 in total). Those Training Topics can be used as little guideline for you, what to focus on most for the next two weeks. These blocks are made so that all club members can follow.
The first block is "Startblocket" - from 5/12-18/12
For those of you who did not start with the winter training yet: It is time to do so now. Try to see what kind of trainings there are available and try to join on as many as you can. Because the more people, the more fun it usually gets:
Monday: Inomhusintervaller / Intervallertraning-ungdomar
Tuesday: Tisdagsintervaller med gympa
Thursday: Klubbträning
Saturday: Långpass
Also keep your eyes open for Mareld Stockholm By Night (MSBN) or Nattuglan as well as our own Natt Sprint Cup:
7/12 MSBN #2
14/12 Nattuglan #2
21/12 Natt Sprint Cup #2
The idea of "Startblocket" is, that you get used to train again.
Try to find a good mix in Orienteering, Running, Strength and Alternative Training that fits for you.
World Cup total winner of 1992, Joakim Ingelsson, said that January-March is the toughest period of training where you should focus on getting really good quality in your training, while the period until then is where you need to focus on building a good base with a good amount of training, to be prepared for more quality training in January-March.
To help you to know what to work on, Flavio has designed a paper, called STORM, that is inspired by Swiss Orienteering. It should help you to reflect on your possible things to work on. It is always easier to work on things if you know exactly what to work on, to storm forward.
Link to Storm: storm2023
If you need help with structuring your training or inspiration in what you can do, do not be shy to ask others. I am sure that they will be able to help or guide you to the right persons in the club.
The next block topic will be "Styrka/Power"
Time to start! #Topp232023