Ny löpare – Välkommen Chloé Haberkorn!

Vi är glada att kunna välkomna en ny elitlöpare till klubben, då Chloé Haberkorn valt att springa för Snättringe från och med halvårsskiftet. Lär känna Chloé lite bättre i den här intervjun.


Chloé har sedan flytten till Stockholm och Huddinge för ett år sedan varit med på många träningar och aktiviteter, ofta tillsammans med pojkvännen Olivier. Det franska paret har bidragit mycket till träningsmiljön i Huddinge och vi är glada att Chloé nu också väljer att även representera Snättringe på tävlingar framöver. Chloés första tävling i Snättringetröjan var på Ultralång-SM i Grövelsjön i augusti och nästa tävling blir till medel- och stafett-SM.



Birth year: 1996

Previous club: OK Denseln from 2017 to 2024

Current club: ADOC in France since almost-birth

Job: Postdoctoral researcher in evolutionary genomic at Stockholm University

Biggest success: French national team from 2011 to 2021 - two medals in EYOC relays, a couple of diplomas in JEC or JWOC, and several medals in French championships including two gold medals in Elite night champs.


When did you start orienteering and how did you get in touch with orienteering? 

My grand parents from both sides were into orienteering and my parents met while doing it too, so I don’t really remember starting, it was always part of my family’s life.

How did you got in contact with Snättringe? / What made you join Snättringe?

I met Snättringe through my partner Olivier who knew Flavio, and then I was introduced to the nicest group of people and decided to stay! Everyone was so kind to us, I immediately felt part of the group. All I lacked was a Snättringetröjan. 

What is your favorite terrain? 

I absolutely love the maps around Stockholm, so probably Paradiset right now. In France I would recommand the terrains around Font-Romeu (the ’t’ is silent by the way…. ????)

What is your goal in Orienteering? 

I'm always trying to improve my technique and flow, and to keep in mind that I'm doing it for fun.


How is orienteering in France compared to orienteering in Sweden?
I think we have a greater variety of maps in France with some incredible ones, but they are overall much nicer in Sweden ???? Orienteering is a much smaller sport with less density, so it’s still really impressive for me to go to a big relay or Swedish League.

What is your best orienteering memory? 

Probably the European Youth Championships 2012 in France, running the second leg and bringing it back in the lead with my family & friends being there!


How is your life looking outside of orienteering? 

I work quite a lot on debugging code for my research projects and really enjoy sharing other outdoor sports with friends, cooking, reading and picking Swedish mushrooms with Olivier :-)


Your pictures from your holiday this summer in your van in Norway looked fantastic! Which place that you visited is a must for all of us to go to?

It’s hard to pick, but Hardangervidda was absolutely amazing!


Mark your favourite: 

Sprint, MiddleLong or Ultralong?

Actually my favorite is Relay (and was lucky enough to do it already this year with Frida, so we are fully prepared for stafett-SM!)


Day or Night? 

Day, but I’m working on enjoying night more!!

10mila or Jukola?

10mila, especially since we are also running during the night.


French cheese or Swedish fika?

That’s a tough one. But french cheese is hard to forget..


Longrun in the Alps or Longrun in Tyresta Nationalpark? 

Ahhh I must confess that I really love the Alps. But on a daily basis I feel really lucky to have all these beautiful forests around Stockholm!


Alla Snättringelöpare vid ultralång-SM i Grövelsjön (Mattias sprang inte, Chloé på 17:e plats, Oskar på 57:e plats och Brais på 33:e plats)

Uppdaterad senast: 2024-08-30 19:31:06 av Simon Hector

Skapad: 2024-08-30 19:08:15 av Simon Hector