Information Topp232023
During our Kick-off camp in Årsunda/Storvik we had a presentation about our Topp232023 goal and also about a running goal towards 10mila 2023. On top of that there is some analysis on our recent results and a personal analysis paper that should help you to know what to work on. We even had some information about injury prevention. You can find all the files in this article.
Download the power point presentation with all the information here (14.2MB): SSKTop232023Kick-Off
Inside the presentation you can find a "Video" slide. You can find the video with some clips and pictures of Snättrige SK on Youtube or here:
It's always easier to work determined on your goals, if you know them. Analyze and know your goals with, from Swiss Orienteering insprired, STORM (Surrounding, Team, Orienteering, Running, Mental). It should help you to STORM towards your goals (Word-Document 26kB)
Running Goal
On top of that we did present our running goal until Tiomila. Running from our Clubhouse to Skelleftea and back home again.
Join the fun, and try to reach to Skelleftea yourself. From right after the camp until 10mila 2023 it takes 24 weeks. Running there and back results in: 2x 794km /24 weeks = 66.2km per week (running "only" there results in 33.1km per week). How far can you reach?!
If you are injured or can not run out of other reasons: Each hour alternative sport counts as 10km (for example biking, cross country, aqua jogging)