Registration for Venla/Jukola by 28/1!
Jukola 2024 in Kauhava, Finland, will be orienteers’ biggest highlight on June 15-16, 2024. We hope for many teams and a continuation of our successful relays. To register teams and plan the trip, we need your registration by 28/1!
We are planning two different travel options: departure either Wednesday evening on June 12 or Friday evening on June 14, with return after the competition on Sunday evening. Back home in Stockholm on Monday morning.
As in previous years, we have booked a small house near the competition area and have a tent pitch close to the competition center.
The cost will be 1000-1200 sek for adults and around half the sum for youth. This includes travel and lodging but not food.
The current competition terrain will be is flat but containing many details and include challenging elements that can make it tricky for the runners. See old maps: https://jukola.com/2024/en/competitors/old-maps/
We will register the number of teams that match the entries. Only if there are remaining spots or vacancies may other individuals become selected. Those who register now have a good chance of being selected, while others will be placed on a waiting list. This applies to all runners and teams. Registration is binding, and the cost will be charged even if one is unable to participate.
The early registration is due to the necessity of submitting team entries in January, and there is a risk of boat tickets running out or becoming expensive.
It will be a great and fun trip, and we hope you are interested in participating!
Competition invitation: https://jukola.com/2024/en/competitors/event-invitation/
Registration via Eventor: https://eventor.orientering.se/Activities/Show/19745