Topp232023 - Block 4 : Orienteering Basics

Now it is time for the next block towards Topp232023, where we will train our orienteering basics. This means, the focus lies on the technical aspects of orienteering.

Orienteering involves many different technical elements which demand different "tools" to master the orienteering course. In this block we will sharpen our tools and practice the different orienteering basics, one by one.

Some of the basic elements of orienteering are map understanding, direction, contour reading and route planning. In addition, it can be useful to practise skills such as map contact, risk assessment, pace-setting and simplification.

The idea is to practise each tool separately. Also, think about what you want to improve and try to do that extra carefully during your training! Concentrate fully on each exercise so that you train exactly what you want to improve.


Programm 16/1-29/1:

16/1 Intervallträning Ungdomar, Källbrink, klubbstugan

         Indoor Intervalls, Störangshallen

17/1 Tisdagsintervaller med gympa, Hökarängsskolan

18/1 Nattugglan #3

19/1 - 22/1 Skidläger i Orsa Grönklitt

19/1 Klubbträning, Källbrink

21/1 U23-träff Stockholm - Mental hälsa

21/1 Långpass Källbrink

22/1 Vinterserien


23/1 Intervallträning Ungdomar, Källbrink, klubbstugan

         Indoor Intervalls, Störangshallen

24/1  Tisdagsintervaller med gympa, Hökarängsskolan

25/1 SSK Årsmöte

26/1 Natt Sprint Cup NSC #3, Visättra IP

26/1 Klubbträning


The next 2 weeks block will be Uthållighet again. As mentioned before, it is the most important puzzle piece on the physical side. So we will focus on it again.

Skapad: 2023-01-16 11:52:50 av Flavio Poltéra